Day 7

January 8th, 2012: Down another pound to 341, 9 lbs. total this first week. I think that 30 minutes of cardio-type sweating is required for me every day. I still bet that without it, I’d be losing weight, except that it would be more like a pound every 3 days. I tried that juicer for the first time last night and wound up with a pitcher of what appeared to be diarrhea. It smelled good, though, and actually didn’t taste too bad. I juiced-up carrots, celery, salad lettuce, spinach, parsley, and canned beets. It was actually very sweet tasting, which is not what I expected. Then I added tomato juice, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and a splash of A1 steak sauce. I wondered if I’d get sick, but so far I just feel really good. I kind of felt like Rocky drinking that awful looking mixture. One noticeable thing today – I actually took the garbage from the kitchen the whole 15 feet to the cans in the garage today. Since I’ve become hugely fat, I’ve gotten so lazy about mundane shit that I’d taken to leaving the kitchen garbage bags right outside the garage door to get them later. Maybe this is turning over a tiny leaf. I’m not lazy by nature, but obesity has turned me kind of into a piece of crap when it comes to daily chores. Probably cause it sometimes sucks to literally even walk. Today is Sunday – could be long, but I’ll try to fill it up with little stuff to get through. It’s weird, I’ve always HATED Mondays, but I don’t think tomorrow will be as crappy as normal because I feel a tiny bit better about myself.

January 8, 2020 (looking back): The first weekend is the absolute worst. I realized if I could make it through that desert of boredom and food thought, I may be on my way. It is likely the first Monday I’ve ever looked forward to…

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