Day 8

January 9th, 2012: Nothing quite as dissatisfying, on Earth, as being on a diet and gaining weight. HOWEVER, there are two redemptive things: 1 – As sure as you all looked at the same moon as me last night, the weight will come off, and 2 – there is something intrinsically satisfying about the challenge alone, even when it doesn’t always go in your favor. In other words, gaining one pound last night doesn’t lessen my overall determination any. I was annoyed enough with it this morning, and thinking about it so much, that I found it difficult to concentrate long enough even to put on my socks. I’m OK now, though. And I’m proud of myself for making it through this first weekend. I think once in awhile I’ll note some of the crappy things about being fat. Today:

1) Always having to wonder if your gut is hanging out below your shirt, or your butt crack is hanging out above your pants.

2) Being out of breath at the top of the stairs.

January 9, 2020 (retrospective): Evidently that first week was something of a diet honeymoon. Water weight you might call it, from metabolizing glycogen (but let’s keep the hard science for later). It was time to decide whether I could separate from the pretenders and the non-believers, and do to so required my making peace with the fact that I simply can’t lose weight every day. If I lost a pound a day always, I literally wouldn’t weigh anything in year. A total body weight of less than one pound, while admirable as a goal weight, would not likely be feasible. Sometimes you gotta love the challenge just for the sake of the challenge, even if you’re getting nothing obvious in return…

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